Acasa » Raport special Bob Proctor: The Common Denominator of Success

Astazi va aducem un articol cu totul special scris pentru voi, in limba engleza, de Bob Proctor. Articolul este scris cu ocazia workshopului sustinut de Bob Proctor in Bucuresti. Cititi in continuare mesajul sau!

Hello friend,

This is Bob Proctor and I am coming to Romania in September 2012 with a program called „Thinking into Results: Reinvent Yourself For Success”.

This one-day program is designed for anyone looking to improve the quality of their life – professionally and personally. How can you do this? It’s simple, all you have to do is to change your habits. You are probably wondering how will changing a habit change your results and also your entire life.

Well, this is how. People form habits and habits form futures. If you do not deliberately form good habits, then unconsciously you will form bad ones. You are the kind of person you are because you have formed the habit of being that kind of person, and the only way you can change is through changing habits.

The Common Denominator of Success

You can find out more about the power of habits in the „Common Denominator of Success„. Click here to download the file to your computer! This is my personal gift for you.

Take a few minutes of your time and read it. It has helped me immensely in my career and I took it to heart and formed the right habits. The line that separates the successful from the unsuccessful is as fine as a razor’s edge. It’s not about how smart you are, it’s about becoming more effective.

Make note of this date: 25th of September 2012. It can be the day that will change your life forever. On this date, I will share with you information that is life transforming and can have a profound impact on your performance. It’s worked in my life – I know it will work in yours.

Here are just a few of the things you will learn

  • How your mind works and how to use it at its fullest potential.
  • How your paradigms (your habits) control your thinking and your thinking controls your results. Your paradigm controls your weight, your relationships, your ability to earn money…
  • How to bridge the gap between knowing and doing for long lasting results.
  • The ABC’s of setting goals and the creative process used to achieve ANY goal we set.
  • How to think into results rather than letting your present results dictate what you think. How to change the sales sheet, change the report card, change anything in your life that’s not working.

I don’t make promises that I can’t keep, but this is a promise I can keep. If you understand and apply the information that I will share with you on the 25th of September, you will see results beyond your wildest imagination. It works for everyone who works it; this is GUARANTEED. The information that I will share with you in the one day program has helped companies worldwide, and their results were phenomenal. If this information helped them, it can definitely help you too.

So, remember – 25th September 2012. Note this date in your calendar and come to the conference. There’s absolutely no risk on your part, but what you will learn on that one day can change your life. When you think about it – all it comes down to is time and money. And, by the seminar date, you’re going to have have spent both time and money. Why not invest it in yourself and bet on yourself? That’s a sure thing.

To make sure you will get all these benefits book a ticket now! Just click here:

If you want to know more about this conference reply to this email and the organizers from Romania will contact you with further details.

In the next few days I will send you an email about how to close the knowing doing gap. I bet you already have all the trainings and knowledge you need, to have the success you want (in your business or in life). I’m not going to teach you things you already know from other trainings.

I am going to teach you what exactly you have to do to see, for real, the results that you want to get in order to avoid the stress of a life controlled by the external circumstances. Exactly as I told you earlier in this email – the line that separates the successful from the unsuccessful is as fine as a razor’s edge. Anyone can get to that edge, the problem is that not anyone is willing to make that „extra mile”.

Stay in touch,
Bob Proctor

PS: I recently recorded a video for you; it’s just a fraction of what I’m going to teach you on the 25th. Click here to watch it. Three things you might find interesting: we are goal seakers organisms; goals are not for GETTING, goals are for GROWING; the idea of a goal is to take us were we’ve never been.

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Descarcă Gratuit Ebook-ul: ”A murit Facebook-ul?”

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